Terms and Conditions

  • All products purchased cannot be refunded, exchanged for cash, other gifts or privileges.
  • The privilege of KLUB 11 Birthday Delights is not applicable to products purchased through K11 Experience.
  • Subject to the below, K Point earning is eligible for net spending of HK$50 or above in one single spending made with electronic payment only.
  • For details on usage and earning of K Points through K11 Experience, please refer to: https://media.k11.com/editor/attachments/4934/K11_Experience_0.75_K_Points_May_11.pdf
  • All products are subject to such applicable terms and conditions, expiry date or house rules, if any. Please refer to the product details for more information.
  • All products are subject to stock availability.
  • All photos of the products are for reference only.
  • GLOBO TRAVEL AGENCY LIMITED (“GLOBO”) does not warrant that the products are of any merchantable quality or fit for any purpose, and disclaims all liability in relation to such products. Purchasers and holders of the products shall waive all their rights and interests, if any, of any natures to pursue against GLOBO.
  • GLOBO is not the provider of certain third party products and makes no representation or warranty in relation to the same. GLOBO shall not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever or for personal injury which is suffered or sustained, as a result of taking or using any such products, except for any liability which cannot be excluded by law.
  • In any event, to the fullest permitted by law, the total aggregate liability of the Company (if any) under or in relation to these Terms and Conditions and K11 Experience, however caused, is limited to the amount of the price of the purchased products.
  • GLOBO has the right to interpret these Terms and Conditions. In case of disputes, the decision of GLOBO will be final and binding on all parties concerned.
  • GLOBO has the right to amend any these Terms and Conditions at any time without any prior notice.
  • The Chinese version of these terms and conditions are for reference only. In case of discrepancies between the provisions of the English and Chinese versions, the English version shall prevail.
  • These terms and conditions shall be governed by the laws of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
  • For the terms and conditions of KLUB 11 LOYALTY PROGRAMME, please refer to: https://klub-11.com/program-terms-and-conditions/


Travel products are provided by GLOBO TRAVEL AGENCY LIMITED (Travel Agency Licence No. 352719).